Living in Malaysia is very warm – having vegetation is a good way to improve the living environment since vegetation helps to cool down the temperature. However, there are lots of problem having plants inside/beside the building.

  • Expensive in maintenance.
  • Insects will come.
  • Snakes or other pest might come as well .

Among this, the mosquitoes have brought the most serious issue. It is annoying and some of them spread dengue fever. It had caused some serious sickness each year and some of victims die. Therefore, it is important.

We love nature. That’s why we don’t want chemical way of doing it.

To repel it, there are a few things that we have tried yet almost all methods have some disadvantages. For instances

  • Mosquitoes netting: it will somehow ‘disable’ the ventilation. Malaysia, by nature, has not much prevailing wind that cools the houses down, another nets shielding the house from mosquitoes attack makes the wind speed has reduced at least half. IT MAKES NATURAL VENTILATION IMPOSSIBLE.
  • Nature enemies: frogs, spider, gecko… that eats those mosquito… however, too many “modern people” scare of those animals more than mosquitoes….

There are some herbs that claim that they have mosquitoes repellent effect…but most of them are troublesome and do not last for long.